Saturday, August 18, 2018

30 Days of Ukrainian Poetry - Day 17 - "It's not the time"

It has taken until Day 17 for me to be bold enough to dig into the works of Ivan Franko. I looked at some of his stuff early on, and decided it was either too challenging, or set in the wrong season (it seems he has a collection of poems about every season except summer), or too political. But 17 days in, I figure I need to dive into some of the difficult poems every now and then; and given that so many of Ukraine's poets across generations have been revolutionaries of one form or another, why shy away from Franko? After all, he has an entire city named after him (recall my references in previous blogs to the city of Ivano Frankivsk?)

So, here is a patriotic poem that sounds very much like a battle hymn. It reminds me of Shakespeare's St. Crispin's Day speech, or "once more unto the breech!" - but with a focus centered more on love of country, and less on personal honor. 

Не Пора

Іван Франко

Не пора, не пора, не пора
Москалеві й ляхові служить!
Довершилась України кривда стара,
Нам пора для України жить.

Не пора, не пора, не пора
За невігласів лить свою кров
І любити царя, що наш люд обдира, —
Для України наша любов.

Не пора, не пора, не пора
В рідну хату вносити роздор!
Хай пропаде незгоди проклята мара!
Під Украйни єднаймось прапор!

Бо пора ця великая єсть:
У завзятій, важкій боротьбі
Ми поляжем, щоб волю, і щастя, і честь,
Рідний краю, здобути тобі!

It's not the time

Ivan Franko

Translated by Steve Repa 

It's not the time, It's not the time, It's not the time
The Muscovite and Polack to serve!
Unbearable's Ukraine's grievance of old
It is time, for us to live, for Ukraine

It's not the time, It's not the time, It's not the time
To shed our blood for ignorant fools
To love a Tsar, who, our people freely exploits
Our love, is alone, for Ukraine.

It's not the time, It's not the time, It's not the time
To bring in, dissent into our native home !
Perish all disagreements a cursed ghost!
Under the flag, of Ukraine, all unite!

For these times at the moment are great:
In a determined, difficult battle
We'll die so that freedom'n, glory, and honor,
O native land, we'll obtain this, for you!

I suppose in these divided and often discouraging times back in the US, we can take a message from Franko: that now is not the time to give up.

This poem has been recorded many times as a song, although with some variations in pronunciation and wording.

Having made it to Day 17 of this 30 Day Challenge, I can definitely say - now is not the time to give up! See y'all tomorrow.

The contents of this blog reflect my personal views and experiences only and are not indicative of the views of Peace Corps or the governments of the US or Ukraine. 

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